Accepting Paid Guest Post at 49$

Paid Guest Posts on

Do you have a website or a blog that offers amazing deals, offers, or discounts to your visitors? Do you want to share your content with a wider and more interested audience? Do you want to get more exposure, traffic, and authority for your website or blog?

Sweepstake Freebie is a popular and trusted website that features the latest and best offers from various categories. We have a loyal and active fan base of over 20K Visitors and followers across different platforms.

We accept Paid guest posts or Sponser post from any website or blog that offers deals, offers, or discounts to their visitors. Your guest post should be original, unique, informative, engaging, and relevant to our niche and audience. Your guest post should also follow the best practices of SEO and content writing. Your guest post should be at least 500 words long and should contain at least one deal, offer, or discount that is available to our visitors. You can also include a link to your website or blog where our visitors can find more deals, offers, or discounts.

The fee for submitting a guest post on Sweepstake Freebie is 49 USD. You can pay the fee using USDC or USDT in BEP-20 chain or Ethereum compatible chains. Our wallet address is 0xa7bC239810924b464EB5882299973defCeE2F0bd. Please make sure to send the correct amount and currency to avoid any delays or issues. After you make the payment, please send the proof of payment to [email protected] along with your guest post details, such as your name, website or blog name, URL, and guest post title.

If you are interested in submitting a guest post on Sweepstake Freebie, please follow these steps:

  1. Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Guest Post Proposal”. In your email, please include your name, contact details, website or blog name and URL, a brief introduction and background of yourself or your website or blog, a short summary or outline of your guest post topic and content, and a sample of your previous work or portfolio (optional but preferred).
  2. Wait for our reply and approval. We will review your proposal and get back to you within 24 hours. If we accept your proposal, we will send you the guidelines and requirements for writing and submitting your guest post.
  3. Write and submit your guest post. After you finish writing your guest post, you can submit it to us via email as a Word document or a Google document.
  4. Wait for the publication and promotion of your guest post. We will verify your payment and review your guest post for quality and compliance. If everything is in order, we will publish your guest post on our website within 48 hours. We will also promote your guest post on our social media channels and email newsletter. We will send you the link to your guest post once it is live on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you soon. Thank you for choosing Sweepstake Freebie for your guest post.